CHAPTER 4:Technoological development and solutions.

This chapter will discuss the technological development that has contributed the structural use of timber. And find out the strategies to revitalize people to the use of timber as a building material in Malaysia.

4.1Technological Development
Case study:  Case studies of the two buildings show the differences in the development of Wood Building Construction Technology.
Fully Handmade Wooden Architecture: Rudinara, a handmade wooden house in Bangi, Selangor
New Technology: CLT
Survey data collected from public
Interview(MTC/ Timber Supplier)

(still typing.....)

4.2Adapting the possible strategies on revitalizing and promoting wooden architecture in Malaysia’s context
Timber architecture conference and seminars which allowed the public to listen and learning,re-understanding wooden architecture.
Environmental issue: take the tree planting and development strategy
A large number of trees can be planted so that Malaysia has a long-term supply of timber.
Using wood in multi-functions
Governmental support to promote the wood construction
Safety of wooden architecture

 1. Improve professional knowledge of materials
From a conclusion speech of Ar.Azman Md Nor in Malaysian Wooden Architecture Conference held in November 2017, we realized that Malaysia's lack of expertise in natural materials has been taught in architecture and design faculties in Malaysia in recent decades (natural materials are actually treated as "non-modern" materials, especially wood). The expertise in wood is only in the tertiary education system of the forest and timber related departments. The most urgent need to reinforce the building and civil education is still missing.The lack of engagement in the traditional curriculum has led to a reduction in the use of wood for architectural and design professions.  In addition, the professionals who have already put into practical work can only rely on the rule of thumb of "learning during production" for the growth of their knowledge of wood structure. So before they go into the thick and mature design and construction experience, they have to pay a painful price, or slowly losing the interest and trust of the timber used.Wood should have become the first architectural element to be mastered by design professionals.Today, wood raw materials can only become one of the options for many materials.Looking at the architectural perspective of the international community, the design standards of modern Malaysian architecture professionals are not lagging behind. However, the architectural trends presented in the marketplace run counter to the international trend or remain the same. Therefore, the Malaysian Government and the Timber Council should provide exhibitions and seminars on wood construction to enable professionals and public practitioners, such as designers, architects and suppliers, to listen and learn and to re-understand the wood-based buildings. This is valid Improve people's awareness of wood architecture, make it a more in-depth understanding of the benefits of wood architecture.

2. Building management system and the input of public resources
Minister of Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (Malaysia) Mah Siew Kiong pointed out at the 2nd Malaysian International Wood Architecture Symposium that the development of Malaysian wood buildings is still promising despite the lack of experience in using or interpreting the codes.However, since the country also has initiatives and policies on low-carbon industries, it will promote the development of architecture when it fully supports the construction of timber.In this connection, local building managers may be unfamiliar with the rules of wood constructionbut every year there are still many promotional activities or seminars each year between active international organizations and various academic institutions (such as colleges and universities in the Department of Architecture, including the National University of Malaysia) , To provide the latest industry and technology information.However, from the previous scene of the seminar held in 2015, we can see relatively small range public sector personnel attending the conference at the 2017 international conference on timber architecture, which indirectly led to a lack of dialogue between industrial development and public sector. Also caused obstacles to the implementation of the law. In addition, although the structural design of wood structures in other countries (such as the mechanical behavior of earthquake resistance and wind resistance) and fire protection design have been quite mature, there are also world-class cases of wood construction, such as the traditional wooden structure of Japan's Kiyomizu Temple and new technology of CLT (cross-laminated timber) housing construction.However, the research on the development and utilization of new wood construction technology in Malaysia is still rather poor. The resources available to academic institutions are rather limited, wood construction topics are also difficult to enter the central research spindle.Therefore, YB Datuk Datu Nasrun Datu Mansur from Malaysian deputy minister of plantation industries and commodities also pointed out at the International Wood Building Seminar which held in November 2017 this year that the first priority to be addressed in Malaysia is to establish a management system of wood industry and Malaysia's timber resources.For example, it is necessary to enrich and perfect the standard and evaluation system of assembly-type buildings, green buildings and green building materials in our country, and incorporate the wood-based construction technology into relevant development plans and financial mechanisms.The prefabrication of wood structure into the national and local governments set up the development of assembly-type building within the framework of the financial incentives.The high-strength structural wood and accessories such as green building products as low-carbon building materials. List it in the green building materials identified standards and accreditation system, and included in the green building materials product catalogue. Accelerate research and formulation of preferential policies on finance, finance and taxation to promote the development of wood structure industries, such as establishing a positive investment and financing mechanism and encouraging guarantee agencies to increase their support for wood-based construction enterprises.

3.Solutions to reduce the shortage of timber supply
In Chapter 3, there are a few issues that affect the way people think about wood buildings, including the issue of shortage of wood. Here is an example to solve the issue, In 2015, the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia approved RM200 million for timber forest construction. Plantation Industry and Commerce Minister Chin said the money will serve as an investment to create a 40,000 hm2 timber forest project. The Minister of Plantation Industry and Commerce earnestly demanded to earn MYR2 billion at the earliest, raising the area of timber forest in the country to 500,000 hm2.According to 2015 data, Malaysia has 250,000 hectares of plantation timber, mainly distributed in Sabah, Sarawak, Johor and Pahang. Malaysia timber forest development project under the timber industry bureau, timber forest mainly 11 species, such as rubber wood, Acacia, teak and so on. It is estimated that there are 2.8 million hectares of forest land in the country, of which Sarawak accounts for the majority. At present, five states (including Sarawak, Sabah and Johor) have great potential to develop timber forest projects. The project has aroused widespread public interest, hoping private participation to stimulate investment to create rubberwood plantation.Anon,12/01/2017In addition to the construction of rubberwood or oak tree plantations, GAIN GREEN Malaysia recently proposed planted afforestation planted with paulownia tree, determined to change and is determined to return the complete earth to the next generation. The reason why paulownia trees are selected as tree planting programs is because paulownia trees are a group of multipurpose hardwoods that grow extremely fast and can reach maturity in only five to six years.By contrast, oak trees need to take 35-40 years to reach their height, and paulownia trees can take five years to reach. Equal to say that planting one paulownia tree can save the 12 priceless local tree from felling.And Paulownia tree wood is very suitable for market demand. In addition, paulownia tree can also effectively purify the air, save wildlife habitat, create a green environment, reduce land invasion, reduce heat contractor, so that people can enjoy all the wood products(for example Wood construction, wooden furniture and so on) in a way that does not harm the original forest.

4. Promote professional certification of materials
As past forestry in Malaysia has become saturated, more than 90% of commercial timber is currently highly recommended for export.In accordance with the foreign forest system, the strict requirements of all grades of timber without any difficulty, import and export of wood can be certified in origin (including sustainable forest and material grades).Most conifers on the market come from the United States and Canada, which with well-developed timber construction information and a well-established timber supply system.There is almost no doubt for the actual use of timber, but the hardwood(tropical wood) commonly used in landscape engineering is more complicated.Due to the fact that the species of tropical woods are ten times as many as that of conifers.And, there was a lack of applied experience in Malaysia in the past, so it leds the seemingly multi-functional woods found significant differences after actual operation or completion, due to lack of expertise and certification System failure. (China wood press,13/6/2013)As a result, Malaysia launched the Timber Validation System in 2013, and Nurmala Abdul Rahim, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Plantation and Original Products Malaysia, announced on 28 March 2013 the establishment of a MYTLAS(Malaysian Timber Legality Assurance System) Advisory Group of experts and key implementing agencies, which will Orientation Consider the implementation and measures of MYTLAS and constantly improve the timber legality verification system by considering various stakeholders' feedbacks, market response and capacity building needs. And to ensure that exports of timber meet the regulatory standards, local site can also supply the same quality of wood to the relevant timber industries, to provide them with a timber quality and quantity protection.
